How To Check Android Device IP Address and MAC address

How To Check Android Device IP Address and MAC address

About Smartphone:

It's no secret that smartphones and tablets have made our lives easier. From our smartphones, we can make a phone call, create a social media post, pay for our lunch, check the weather, read the news, and so much more.

However, it's also become a problem for many people.  It's too easy to get distracted and waste time on our phones when we should be focusing on more important things in our lives.  In today's blog, we are going to discuss a trick that will help you use your phone more effectively and efficiently.  We hope you enjoy it!

What Is MAC address and IP address:

So, you have an android device that you are trying to figure out its IP address and locate it on a map using Google. In this case, you will require the device’s MAC address. The MAC address is the unique identification number which is assigned to every device which is connected to the internet.

It is the same as the IP address but the main difference between the two is that a MAC address is unique to the device and its hardware. So, this means that it will always remain the same while the IP address can change.

In this article, we will discuss how to check android device IP address.

I will show you 2 ways to check Android Device IP address.

Step 1: To Check Android Device IP Address

Open Settings and tap on the Wi-Fi option. 1. Under Wi-Fi settings, tap on "Wi-Fi settings". 2. Tap on "Advanced options". 3. Here you will see your MAC and IP address Now, tap on "IP address" to check the IP address of the android device.

Step 1 to check android device IP Address

Step 2: 2nd Way To Check Android Device IP address

Go to your device settings tap on. 1 About phone option. 2 Tap on Status. "IMEI & IP".  3 Then tap on "IP address". 4 you will see your Android Device IP address.

Step 2 to check android device IP Address

Thanks for reading this article if you have problem feel free to contact us.

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